Thanks for stopping by. I really don't like talking about myself since after all this process is about you! This is the cliff note version of my background and experiences.
Bachelor of Science in Business, Michigan State University
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design, Michigan State University
Interior Design Work History:
VIA Design; Grand Rapids, Mi
Oto Interiors; Grand Rapids, Mi
Durrant Media Five; Honolulu, Hi
Northern Michigan Hardwoods; Petoskey, Mi
Plum Tree Interiors, Boyne City and now Bliss, Mi
My residential and commercial experience list is
extensive and I'd be delighted to share it with you.


Mixing Patterns - HomeLife Magazine

Crotty Remodel - HomeLife Magazine

Town Hall Restaurant DC

Women Can Do - Charity Event
"Thank you ever so much for always looking out for my best interest!"- C
"Thanks for all your help and advice. I love working with you." -M
"The place lived beautifully!!!" -V
"Thanks for everything Laura. We love the condo - it's very soothing and peaceful feeling." -L